Herb Society WA October Meeting

Professor Stan Kailis gave a wonderful talk at our meeting on Monday 28th October, ‘All About Olives’ covering the history, propagation, nutritional and health benefits of olives and their products. We had oil samples to try, tips on elevating the humble store bought bottle of olives to another level for table olives and how to make Olive Leaf tea.
Marjorie enlightened us about Honeysuckle, how to add flowers to a salad and make a tea.
Ness again excelled with a display table of Herbs for a dry summer.
One of our founding members, Brenda Nicholls , made a surprise visit from her now home town in Queensland – so good that after over 40 years we had three founding members (Trevor and Regina Drummond plus Brenda) attending a meeting!
The meeting was capped off with a delightful supper table, herb tea and lots of herbie conversations!!
Won’t be too long until our November “Herb Fair” meeting now, see you all then ?
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