Monday 26th July Parent Body Meeting

Herb Society WA

Our next Parent Body Herb Meeting is coming up soon, next Monday 26th July at the usual place, John McGrath Hall, 97 Hensman Street, South Perth behind the Bowling Club. This month we have a guest speaker, Tyron Clark from Treerings… this looks fascinating, treerings are compact fertiliser rings designed to enhance the growth of trees, they are a home-grown family business from the Hills. I look forward to finding out more. We have the usual display table, raffles, herb of the month, plants and honey for sale and a light supper afterwards, please bring a small plate to share, we should (fingers crossed) be free of Covid restrictions this time, just sign in when you arrive. See you there, doors open 7pm for a 7.30 start, guests are very welcome, just pay at the door… ?