Dear Members,
Our Parent Body meeting for August is tomorrow night, Monday 22nd, (at 7.30pm in the John McGrath Hall, Hensman Street, South Perth.)
This month, for something a little different, we will be showing a video on the famous Butchart Gardens. These stunning gardens on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, are well over 100 years old and have been designated a National Historic Site in Canada.
Ericka will also speak on Companion Planting.
If you have been thinking about attending the Herb Conference in Victoria this year, tickets are still available. Herb Society of WA (Inc) members are entitled to the discount price for members.
Saturday and Sunday 8th and 9th October.
Location: Burnley Campus of University of Melbourne and Burnley Gardens.
Ticket Price will include:
- Four Amazing Speakers each day
- A workshop making herb based products on one day
- Garden Tours of Burnley Gardens on alternate day
- Full Morning tea, lunch and herbal teas in the afternoon
- Herb conference bag with goodies
- Access to Market Stalls to purchase herb and useful plants, books and products.
Both days – whole Weekend:
- Non member – Price $220
- Herb Society Member** – $180
One day only:
- Non member – $120 per day
- Herb Society Member** $100 per day
Detail are available here:
And bookings are through TryBooking:
Enjoy the sunshine – and hope to see you tomorrow evening.