Herb Society August Meeting 26/08/2024

Hello everyone, our next meeting is rapidly approaching and is on the 26th August. We have guest speakers this month from Soil Dynamics. This is a WA family owned and operated company with their own range of scientifically proven products.  They are committed to providing all gardeners with a selection of safe, healthy and productive […]

Herb Society meeting 22/07/2024

Permaculture Trainer Amanda Coad shared her knowledge and enthusiasm for Permaculture with us at our meeting on Monday 22 July, giving us an informative and entertaining evening. So good to know that people like Amanda are spreading the Permaculture word and hopefully educating people to help make the world a better place. Display table for […]

Parent Body Meeting 22nd July 2024

This month we have a guest speaker Amanda Coad, who is a Permaculture Trainer giving us “An Introduction To Permaculture”. We also have our usuals, herb of the month, raffles, display table and there are a few tea towels and books left for sale. Followed by a light supper and chatting at the end with […]

Herb Society Meeting 24th June

At this month’s meeting we were introduced to the amazing world of Fungi by our member Marjorie who spoke on ‘Fungi Facts – what can Fungi do’. In addition, Marjorie prepared a wonderful display table full of fungi information also tasty mushroom treats for supper. Many thanks Marjorie. There was a special sale of Herb […]

Parent Body 24th June Meeting

Our next Parent Body meeting is coming up soon on the 24th June. We have our very own Marjorie presenting on fungi, “Fungi Facts, What Can Fungi Do”, thank you Marjorie. We will have a fungi filled display table and as it is our mid winter meeting we have soup and bread for supper. Please […]

May 2024 Meeting

Many thanks to Brian Klepzig from Neutrog Biological Fertilisers who was our guest speaker in May. It was an informative and entertaining evening with Brian from Neutrog bringing members up to date with all that is new in the Neutrog world. Many thanks to Neutrog for raffling some of their products and giving out samples […]

Parent Body May 27th Meeting

Our next Parent Body meeting is not far away on May 27th, doors open at 7pm for 7.30 start. This month we have Brian Klepzig, guest speaker with a news update from the world of Neutrog. Always a pleasure to have Brian come along. There will be a display table and herb of the month […]