February 2025 Meeting

A great meeting was had last week with our guest speaker Danica from Marvellous Minibeasts. Ladybirds are amazing beneficial insects and voracious predators, particularly the larva. They can eat about 5000 aphids in their lifetime! And they eat other pests too like scale, spider mites, thrips, mealy bugs , psyllid and whitefly. What an incredible […]

Garage Sale

Trevor and Regina are having another fund raising Garage Sale in December, the dates are 7th & 8th /14th & 15th, see below. The funds they raise are helping to keep The Darling Range Wildlife Shelter operating. They have also had notification from Santa’s workshop in the North Pole that Santa is having a stop […]

Herb Society WA October Meeting

Professor Stan Kailis gave a wonderful talk at our meeting on Monday 28th October, ‘All About Olives’ covering the history, propagation, nutritional and health benefits of olives and their products. We had oil samples to try, tips on elevating the humble store bought bottle of olives to another level for table olives and how to […]

Herby High Tea

What a lovely Herb High Tea we had this morning, thank you Ericka for all your cooking and hosting and to all the other helping hands and chefs. Ericka your garden is amazing, full of beautiful plants and herbs and so shady, just perfect. Lots of eating, drinking tea and coffee, catching up with old […]

Herb Society WA October Meeting

Our October meeting is fast approaching now on Monday 28th October. This month we are very lucky to have a guest speaker Professor Stan Kailis, Director of the Australian Mediterranean Olive Research Institute who is an Olive Oil Specialist. His talk is titled “All About Olives“. His areas of interest include the Mediterranean Diet, propagation […]

Vanessa Scotford and Ericka Stean have been hard at work all morning setting up the Herb Society stall for the Plant Fair this weekend, please give us a visit if you can and stock up on some herbs! Bring your cash, see you there ??