Come along to the next meeting…..AGM and making herb vinegars…….. 28/3/16 at 7 pm
Category: Uncategorized
Weeding Days at Araluen
Some weeding and tidying at Araluen is coming up. Time to make our Herb Garden look good for our visitors to the Conference and Araluen….. Friday 29/4/16 and 27/5/16. Come along around 10 o’clock and have coffee and/or lunch after….
Peel Group Lavender Evening
Peel Group is taking on lavender at their next meeting! March 1st 2016 at 7.30….. Info , activities and lavender themed supper. All welcome Lavender getting ready to be made into smudge sticks……
AGMs 2016
The AGMs are nearly upon us. Peel Districts have their AGM on Tuesday 1st March at their meeting. Parent Body have their meeting during the March meeting on 28th March. Any agenda items to someone on the committee thanks.
Peel District News
Peel District News
Herb Garden at Araluen Botanic Park
Come and help weed and tidy up the Herb Garden at Araluen Botanic Park. Next weeding days are to be advised. Start about 10 am and have coffee/lunch afterwards at Chalet Healy.