Our July meeting of The Herb Society of WA is on 25th July at the John McGrath Hall, 97 Hensman Street, South Perth. Doors open 7pm for 7.30 start. This month we have Christel from Wild Gaia Plants as our guest speaker talking about Fertil Pots (made from wood pulp, they are biodegradable and approved […]
Category: Uncategorized
Meeting 27th June 2022
At our meeting this month on 27th June we have a guest speaker, @Brian Klepzig from Neutrog. It’s our winter solstice meeting and we’ll have soup with bread rolls as well as all the usuals, plant stall, honey for sale, herb of the month and raffles. Look forward to seeing you there, 7 for 7.30 […]
40th Anniversary Meeting
Some pictures here from our 40th anniversary celebration meeting in May 2022. A wonderful evening was had by all who braved the terrible weather to attend! #FayeArcaro gave a great talk on blue banded bees, there were raffles and some delicious food and cake. Any many thanks to Marjorie for her masterpiece of a cake […]
40th Anniversary Meeting! 23rd May 2022
This month is our 40th anniversary, what great milestone for our Society! Please come along to our meeting, it’s going to be a great evening with our Guest Speaker, Faye Arcaro, WAs local insect guru… She will be giving a chat on blue banded bees, there was so many of these in spring and summer […]
Trevor and Regina’s Garage Sales
March 2022 Meeting
We had a lovely meeting last week, thanks to Ericka we now all know our onions, a fascinating insight into the allium world and long history of the onion family. Kathy treated us to great demonstration on how to make wardrobe freshener bags, mine is in the wardrobe repelling all those bugs! Herb of the […]
Garage Sale
Hello fellow Herbies Trevor and Regina are having a fund raiser Garage Sale for the Darling Range Wildlife Shelter on 2nd and 3rd of April. Please go along and support them, its a great cause and ”you name it, they’ve got it”!
Herb Meeting 28th March 2022
This month we will have a quick AGM at the start of our meeting, please come along and consider standing for the committee or an elected office or as a volunteer. Following this we will have Ericka talking on “Know Your Onions”!! And a workshop and all the usuals, it’s going to be a busy […]
Feb 28th Meeting
What a great meeting last night. Our speaker Cyrus Roussilhes was so interesting, he had two tables full of plants and talked about them all. Thoroughly enjoyable. Thank you Cyrus Roussilhes. I think you may have many visitors to your garden after that! Herb of the month was common myrtle and the display table on […]
Monday 28th February 2022 Meeting
Monday 28th February 2022 Meeting Well, it’s that time of the year again and our meetings are starting tomorrow, we have a guest speaker, Cyrus Roussilhes, who is a photographer, photography teacher and has started growing rare fruit trees and plants in his garden to sell. I’ve been to his garden and it is amazing! […]