The International Herb Association (IHA) has declared that the herb of the year for 2021 is Parsley. Every year since 1995, the IHA, based in Jacksonville, Florida, USA, has chosen an ‘Herb of the Year’ to highlight. The Committee evaluates possible choices based on them being outstanding in at least two of the three major categories: medicinal, culinary, or decorative. Herb societies, groups and organisations from around the world work together to educate the public about these important herbs throughout the year.
(See There are three varieties of Parsley:
Crispum is the typical parsley. It has curly leaves and is what was commonly used for garnish.
Neapolitanum is the typical Italian parsley. This parsley has a stronger flavour than the Crispum and
has flat leaves.
Tuberosum includes the Hamburg, German parsleys which are grown for the nutty flavour of their
roots. This is a relatively new species, having only been developed within the past two hundred years.
Parsley has been known as a herb for a very long time. It is a native to the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years. It was being used by the Greeks before recorded history. The Greeks dedicated the plant to Persephone [Greek goddess of spring as well paradoxically, of the underworld].
The ancient Greeks and Romans did not commonly eat parsley. However, they did grow it in their gardens as a border, and it was thought to be a wonderful fodder for the chariot horse. The Romans believed that parsley prevented intoxication and used it to deodorise the alcohol-filled air during their banquets.
The Herbal Thymes 5 Autumn 2021
The medicinal properties of parsley are contained mainly in one of the plant’s essential oils. Apiole, one of the constituents of the oil is known to be oestrogenic [Parsley should not be used in large quantities during pregnancy as it can have abortifacient effect]. Make it a daily regime to eat Vitamin C rich parsley to help protect from colds and flu. As Parsley is abundant in the three main blood building elements, iron, manganese and copper, eat regularly to build healthy blood. Parsley also has a high potassium content which makes the herb valuable together with the iron for transporting oxygen to the cells.
Parsley is a biennial, or sometimes an annual, depending on how cold the winters are. All parsleys are grown from seed sown in spring or autumn. They will take three to six weeks to germinate, depending on warmth and moisture. They like a humus-rich well-drained soil and an open sunny or semi-shaded position.
Parsley is a great herb for adding flavour to tomato dishes, egg dishes and most vegetable dishes. This herb blends well with other seasoning and can stand alone.
Magic and Medicine of Plant – Readers Digest
How can I use Herbs in My Daily Life – Isabell Shipard