February 2025 Meeting

A great meeting was had last week with our guest speaker Danica from Marvellous Minibeasts. Ladybirds are amazing beneficial insects and voracious predators, particularly the larva. They can eat about 5000 aphids in their lifetime! And they eat other pests too like scale, spider mites, thrips, mealy bugs , psyllid and whitefly. What an incredible little package and so much better than using a pesticide. It’s good to embrace the local ecosystem. Thanks again Danica, you have opened our eyes to a wonderful world right there in the garden.
There was a lovely display table with herbs to use in dips and lots of chatting over the supper and teas at the end.
Not long until March’s meeting now, will let you know further details soon.
Looking forward to some gardening in the cooler weather soon.

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