Herb Society WA October Meeting

Our October meeting is fast approaching now on Monday 28th October. This month we are very lucky to have a guest speaker Professor Stan Kailis, Director of the Australian Mediterranean Olive Research Institute who is an Olive Oil Specialist. His talk is titled “All About Olives“.
His areas of interest include the Mediterranean Diet, propagation of olive trees, olive tree growing; olive products (Olive oil, Table Olives, Olive leaf tea); and the nutritional and health related benefits of olive product. Furthermore he has expertise with some herbs and spices added to olive products. He has co-authored two internationally recognised reference books – Olive Propagation Manual, and Producing Table Olives, presented reviews and research reports on olives in Australia, Italy, Greece, New Zealand and USA. Should be a very interesting night…
We have all the usuals too, display table, herby raffles, herb of the month and a light supper afterwards with some teas. Please bring along a small plate to share if you can.
Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm start, usual place, John McGrath Hall, 97 Hensman Street, South Perth 6151, just behind the bowling club!
Looking forward to seeing you all there… ?